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大大增进对政府运作的了解learn a great deal about the functioning of the government


Most analysts believe Wahid is unlikely to survive politically to the end of his term in 2004.


工党Labour Party

已改变政治气候had transformed the political climate

已透过多方面咨询,听取公众的评论与意见had consulted widely and listened to public comments and opinions

已经流亡国外have fled into exile

已对政治感厌倦/想放弃从政had had enough of politics

不利政党政治发展did not help the development of party politics

不要自欺欺人not to deceive oneself as well as others

不想加入阴谋论did not want to engage in conspiracy theories

不会改变主意would not change his mind

不会为反对而反对did not oppose for the sake of opposition

不会对叶利钦秋后算帐offered Yeltsin immunity from prosecution

中国的爱国主义教育patriotic education in China

中国银行总经理卢重兴Lo Chung-hing, general manager of the Bank of China's Hong Kong branch

中银国际副董事长林广兆Lam Kwong-siu, deputy chief executive of the Bank of China's international branch

内外受敌、内忧外患beset by enemies from within and without


公明党党魁神崎武法Takenori Kanzaki, the New Komeito leader

公开收回之前的说话make public retractions of past statements

公开的秘密an open secret

化解政策分歧reconciling their policy differences

反日情绪anti-Japanese sentiments

反映政治现实reflect the political reality

反对派领袖opposition leaders

反对党opposition party


The image of divine kingship was abused in Japan for bellicose and authoritarian ends.


支联会Hong Kong Alliance in Support of the Patriotic Democratic Movement in China

主权移交的时刻at the change of sovereignty

以回国会被处死为由在加拿大寻求政治庇护are seeking political asylum in Canada on the grounds that they would be executed if sent back

付上沉重的政治代价pay a heavy political price

他向上爬的过程his rise through the ranks


He entered politics in 1985.


He denied there was any political pressure behind his resignation.


His political career was not all plain sailing.

他的短暂从政his foray into politics


He has remained firmly in the prime minister's job.


He risked his entire political future for it.


He has weathered many polictical storms, using his political wit to win through whee other poilticians would have faltered.


Their opinions can shift in response to changes in the political climate.


They are seen as part of the opposition.

他们就0708双普选的立场和策略their stance and strategy on dual universal suffrage by 2007-2008

他钦点的接班人his anointed successor


He added that the DAB would review its way forward but would not change its political stance.

令公众质疑自由党参加直选的诚意cause doubt among the public about its commitment to running in direct elections

令他树敌甚众have gained him plenty of enemies

加快弹颏速度accelerate impeachment


召开本星期的第三次紧急会议called a third emergency meeting this week

召集某人summon somebody


The island is deeply divided and there is much mistrust on each side.

四十五条关注组成员汤家骅Ronny Tong Ka-wah, a member of the Article 45 Concern Group

四五行动小组April 5th Action Group

左派领袖leftist leaders

平息民进党党内不满quell dissent within his Democratic Progressive Party

正式辞去主席职务formally step down from the party's chairmanship

民主派人士pro-democracy figures

民主派成员the members of the democratic camp


The initial response from the democratic camp has also been positive.

民主派保钓人士a pro-democrat Diaoyu activist

民主派团体pro-democracy groups

民主阵营pro-democracy camp

民主动力召集人郑宇硕Joseph Cheng Yu-shek, head of Power for Democracy


Democrats chairman Yeung Sum praised Mr Tien for having made a brave and prudent move and appealed to independent legislators not to withdraw their support for a deferral of the bill.

民主党秘书长张贤登Democratic Party secretary-general Cheung Yin-tung


The DAB's central committee would consider Mr Tsang's resignation at a meeting next Tuesday.

民建联主席马力Ma Lik, chairman of the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong


Given their strengths in party resources and neighbourhood networking, the DAB leaders had good reason to feel confident they would be able to survive the aftershock of July 1 unscathed.


The people have clearly embraced party politics enthusiastically.

交出权力relinquish power

任职多年的区议员a long-serving district board member

全球华人保钓大联盟the Alliance of Worldwide Chinese for the Protection of Diaoyu Islands

再三表示无意连任党主席insisting that he has no interest in seeking another term as the party's leader


Megawati Sukarnoputri was sworn in as Indonesian President yesterday after Parliament voted unanimously to dismiss her predecessor, Abdurrahman Wahid.

各方释出的善意the sincerity shown by each side

向中央政府分析政党政治的重要性had analysed the importance of party politics to the central government


The format of co-operation has not been decided.

地区工作district work


在1985至1992年间任立法局及行政局议员sat on the Legislative and Executive councils between 1985 and 1992

在周恩来总理力保下under the auspices of Premier Zhou Enlai

在某人的职责之内under somebody's stewardship

多党制multiparty system

成为全中国最共产主义的地方has become the most communist place in China

有共同利益have common interests

有地区工作经验have experience in district work

有利于培训政治人才的环境an environment conducive to nurturing political talent

有亲中背景have pro-Beijing backgrounds


Since the olive-branch offer from the democrats, both Tung Chee-hwa and Beijing have reacted swiftly and positively.


But desperate times call for desperate measures.


Ms Eu described the atmosphere of the two-hour meeting as very good.

克里姆林宫the Kremlin

克制党内激进分子reined in his party's hotheads


Bill's standing in public opinion polls remained high.


National unity could not otherwise have been achieved.

吴光正Peter Woo Kwong-ching


Mr Woo said he would not speculate on whether Mr Li's remarks were aimed at him.

吸收新血admit new blood

希望由自民党执政favoured an LDP-led coalition at the helm of the government

希望在政制改革方面/就政改方案取得公众共识wanted to achieve a public consensus on constitutional reform


I have done much more patriotic work than him.



A reform blitz was coming.

改变了这个国家的政治版图changed the nation's political landscape

改变政治立场,变得亲中或亲政府changed their political stand to be more in line with the central and Hong Kong governments


The advert for Mr Lee's book, Voice of Taiwan, was removed prematurely at Wan Chai MTR station on Saturday after being on display for only three days.


Mr Li denied that Hong Kong society was becoming more divided.

村代表village representatives

决定背后有政治考虑a suspicion that political considerations lie behind the decision

没有倒董立场did not have an anti-Tung position

使用下三流手段using underhanded tactics


The two parties may share a fundamentally Beijing-friendly attitude.

两党制a two-party system

其它无法控制的因素other uncontrollable factors

和解迹象signs of reconciliation

和谐社会harmonious society

忽视草根阶层利益grassroots interests had been neglected


The party manifesto may be amended.

拉拢加州政要courting California's political players

拒绝回答政治敏感问题did not reply to politically sensitive questions

放下政治包袱jettison that political baggage

泛民主派the pan-democratic force


expressed support for something

表达他的政治观点express his political views


The political atmosphere in recent months had become more relaxed.


The HKPA's influence in Hong Kong politics has waned over the years.

近年淡出政坛has faded from the political scene in recent years


非法政治献金illegal campaign contributors

非常憎恨obsessive animosity


保持中立remain impartial

保持与社会上各阶层人士接触stay in touch with all walks of life


促成政权更迭provoking regime change

促进与中央的沟通improved ties with Beijing


Former Chinese premier Zhu Rongji continues to be the most popular political figure on the mainland and Taiwan

前自由党主席兼人大代表李鹏飞Allen Lee Peng-fei, the former Liberal Party chairman and a National People's Congress deputy

宣布改名announced the name change

宣传伎俩publicity gambit

建立互信build mutual trust

指鹿为马distort the truth

政府、商界和学界之间的旋转门机制a revolving door mechanism between government, business and academia

政治人才talented politicians/political talents

政治人物political figures

政治中立political neutrality/politically unbiased

政治本钱political capital

政治立场、政治取向political stance

政治光谱the political spectrum

政治危机/管治危机political crisis

政治冷感和不成熟politically apathetic and immature

政治改革/政制改革/政改political reform


Political reform is likely to remain on hold, but China's economic liberalization continues.

政治事件political events

政治前途亮红灯whose political career hung in the balance

政治风暴the political storm


政治气候转趋缓和the political atmosphere has relaxed

政治敏感的politically sensitive

政治敏感议题politically sensitive issues

政治阴谋/政治陷害/政治陷阱a politically inspired frame-up/a political frame-up

政治倾向/政治取向political leanings

政治领袖political leaders

政治噱头political gimmick

政治压力political pressure

政治顾问political consultants

政界的局外人a political outsider

政商界人士、政治及商界人士、商界及政治人士business and political figures

政教分离the separation of church and state/the separation of religion and politics

政敌political rivals/political enemies

政党领袖party leaders

施政时不会再为党内纠纷所掣肘will no longer be hamstrung by its internal bickerings in carrying out his policies

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